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  5. Changing the default page of your website

Changing the default page of your website

After you have linked your website to the hosting control panel and before you have uploaded a website for it, your domain name contains a standard page of Easyhost. If you do not want it to be shown, delete the index.html from your /www/ folder.

When the visitor enters the address of a domain name via his browser, our hosting server searches your main folder and subfolders for one of the following files: index.html, index.htm and index.php – one of which is usually your homepage .

Note: depending on the software you used to create your website, the homepage may file called home.htm, default.htm or something else.

After you have uploaded your website, follow these steps in the control panel:

  1. Go to “My products”> “Web hosting”> Click on the button “Manage hosting” to the right of your domain name.
  2. Select “Developer tools” in the menu on the left and then “Index and error pages”.
  3. Here you see a list of the usual standard pages. At the bottom of the list you can add a new name. Enter the name of your homepage and click on “Add”.

Tip: if you have more than one file that fits the name of a standard page, you must define a priority. With the control panel, it’s very simple – just click and drag, and you shouldn’t even save it.

Updated on 28 March 2024

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